What to Expect
  • Our church address is 5010 South State Highway, FF in Battlefield, MO.  We are located on the corner of Weaver Road and State Highway FF (also known as West Bypass). 
  • Parking is available off State Highway FF or Weaver Road.
  • Guest and Handicap parking spots are available and are marked.
  • Casual dress is fine.
  • Our service starts at 10:30 a.m.  Plan to arrive by 10:20 a.m.
  • There is a drive through located between the two main buildings.
  • Our main sanctuary is in the north building.  Enter the double glass doors at the top of the stairs, where the large Welcome Sign is displayed. 
  • Our greeters will be wearing tan vests.  They are willing to answer your questions or guide you to where you need to be. 
  • There is childcare available for babies and children, up to five years of age. 
  • Our worship music is traditional congregational.  The words to the songs are projected on two large screens at the front of the sanctuary. 
  • Our service will last about an hour and 15 minutes.
  • Guests and Visitors are encouraged to complete the yellow Guests/Visitors slip located in the pews, behind the offering envelopes.  After the service, you may place the Guests/Visitors slip in the offering plates at the back of the center pews. 
  • We do not expect the guests who attend our service to give anything.  Any offerings mentioned are directed toward our members.  If you do choose to give something, the collection plates are located at the back of the center pews.
  • Pastor Ray is usually available to meet you in the foyer after the service.